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How to Compare & Apply Credit Cards Online for Instant Approval

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps of finding and applying for pre-approved credit cards with Pricemint.

Step 1: What is Your Employment Status?

The first step in the journey towards your ideal credit card is understanding your employment status. Pricemint recognizes that different people have varying financial needs and circumstances, and your employment status plays a crucial role in determining the right credit card for you. Here are the options you can choose from:

  1. Salaried: If you are a salaried individual, you have a stable monthly income. Pricemint can help you find credit cards tailored to your specific salary bracket and lifestyle.

  2. Self-Employed: Self-employed individuals have fluctuating incomes. Pricemint understands this and can match you with credit cards that provide flexibility and benefits suitable for entrepreneurs.

29 septembre 2023 · joined the group.

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