The Reason Drake Smokes Alone
He appears in the prologue of the first film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, described as a "fire-drake from the north" before taking residence in the Lonely Mountain. Only small parts of him are glimpsed throughout the film: his legs, tail, a small part of his head, and his wings as he flies over Dale, and his eye when he is sleeping in his mound of treasure, in the final scene. In addition, he is a topic of discussion amongst the White Council as Gandalf cites his reason to support Thorin Oakenshield's quest.
The Reason Drake Smokes Alone
Whether you have taken a few small trips, or just wondering what's out there, time spent traveling is one of the most important things you can do. Travel doesn't just broaden your horizons but helps you grow as a person. And if you really want to grow as a person traveling alone is the best way to accomplish that. That might seem overwhelming but let me show you 4 reasons why it can be the best thing for you. 041b061a72