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Jonathan Morris
Jonathan Morris

The Linux Kernel Book: A Classic Book on Linux 2.0 by Three Experts in the Field

- Who are Remy Card, Eric Dumas and Frank Mevel? - What is The Linux Kernel Book and what does it cover? H2: Linux overview - A brief history of Linux development - The main features and advantages of Linux - The different versions and distributions of Linux H2: The Linux kernel - What is a kernel and why is it essential? - How the Linux kernel works and what are its components - How the Linux kernel evolves and who contributes to it H2: The Linux Kernel Book - The background and motivation of the authors - The structure and content of the book - The target audience and prerequisites of the book H2: Process management - The concept and definition of a process - The process life cycle and states - The process data structures and system calls H2: Memory management - The concept and definition of memory management - The memory allocation and deallocation mechanisms - The memory data structures and system calls H2: IPC Systems V - The concept and definition of interprocess communication (IPC) - The different types of IPC in Linux (message queues, semaphores, shared memory) - The IPC data structures and system calls H2: Signals - The concept and definition of signals - The signal generation and handling mechanisms - The signal data structures and system calls H2: Pipes - The concept and definition of pipes - The pipe creation and usage mechanisms - The pipe data structures and system calls H2: POSIX tty - The concept and definition of terminals - The terminal input/output modes and operations - The terminal data structures and system calls H2: File systems - The concept and definition of file systems - The file system hierarchy and types in Linux (ext2, ext3, ext4, etc.) - The file system data structures and system calls H2: Loadable modules - The concept and definition of loadable modules - The module loading and unloading mechanisms - The module data structures and system calls H2: Administration - The concept and definition of administration - The administration tools and commands in Linux (ps, top, free, etc.) - The administration data structures and system calls H1: Conclusion - A summary of the main points of the article - A recommendation for reading the book - A call to action for learning more about Linux H1: FAQs - Five frequently asked questions about the topic with brief answers # Article with HTML formatting Introduction

Linux is one of the most popular and widely used operating systems in the world. It powers millions of devices, from smartphones to supercomputers, from web servers to embedded systems. It is free, open source, stable, secure, flexible, and customizable. It is also a great platform for learning about computer science, programming, networking, security, and more.

remy card, eric dumas and frank mevel, the linux kernel book , wiley publications, 2003

But what makes Linux so powerful and versatile? How does it work under the hood? How can you understand its internal functioning and program system level applications? These are some of the questions that this article will try to answer by introducing you to a classic book on the topic: "Remy Card, Eric Dumas and Frank Mevel, The Linux Kernel Book , Wiley Publications, 2003".

This book is written by three experts who have been active in the development of Linux since its early days. It provides an in-depth coverage of the internals of Linux 2.0, one of the most influential versions of the kernel. It gives you a solid understanding of how this operating system works and the background needed to program system level applications. It covers topics such as process management, memory management, IPC Systems V, signals, pipes, POSIX tty, file systems, loadable modules, and administration. It also presents the associated system calls, data structures, and internal functions used in Linux.

This article will give you an overview of the book and its main topics. It will also show you why this book is still relevant and useful today, even though Linux has evolved a lot since 2003. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user of Linux, this book will help you gain a deeper insight into this amazing operating system and its kernel.

Linux overview

Linux is a Unix-like operating system that was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991 as a hobby project. He wanted to have a free and open source alternative to the commercial Unix systems that were available at the time. He released the first version of the Linux kernel, the core component of the operating system, on the Internet and invited other programmers to join him in developing and improving it. Since then, Linux has grown into a global phenomenon, with thousands of contributors and millions of users around the world.

Some of the main features and advantages of Linux are: - It is free and open source. You can download, use, modify, and distribute Linux without paying any fees or royalties. You can also access and study its source code and learn from it or contribute to it. - It is stable and secure. Linux is designed to be robust and reliable, with minimal crashes and errors. It also has built-in mechanisms to protect against viruses, malware, hackers, and other threats. - It is flexible and customizable. Linux can run on a variety of hardware platforms, from PCs to smartphones, from servers to embedded devices. It also supports a wide range of software applications, from web browsers to office suites, from games to scientific tools. You can also choose from different graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or work in command-line mode. You can also configure and tweak Linux to suit your needs and preferences.

There are different versions and distributions of Linux available for different purposes and audiences. A version of Linux refers to a specific release of the kernel, such as 2.0, 2.6, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, etc. A distribution of Linux refers to a complete package of the kernel and other software components, such as GUIs, applications, utilities, libraries, etc., that are pre-installed and configured for a specific use case or target group. Some of the most popular distributions of Linux are Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Red Hat, Mint, Arch, Gentoo, etc.

The Linux kernel

The kernel is the core component of any operating system. It is responsible for managing the basic functions of the computer, such as controlling the hardware devices, allocating the memory resources, scheduling the processes, handling the interrupts and exceptions, providing the system calls for user programs, etc. The kernel acts as an interface between the hardware and the software layers of the system.

The Linux kernel is one of the most complex and sophisticated kernels in existence. It consists of millions of lines of code written in C and assembly languages. It has several components that work together to perform its tasks: - The architecture-dependent code: This is the part of the kernel that deals with the specific features and characteristics of the hardware platform that Linux runs on. It includes code for initializing the hardware devices, setting up the memory layout, handling the interrupts and exceptions, etc. - The architecture-independent code: This is the part of the kernel that deals with the generic functions that are common to all hardware platforms that Linux supports. It includes code for managing the processes, memory, files, IPCs, signals, pipes, terminals, modules, administration, etc. - The device drivers: These are special modules that allow the kernel to communicate with the various hardware devices that are attached to the system, such as disks, network cards, printers, cameras, etc. - The loadable modules: These are optional modules that can be loaded into or unloaded from the kernel at runtime, without requiring a reboot. They provide additional functionality or support for specific devices or features that are not part of the core kernel.

The Linux kernel evolves constantly due to the many worldwide developers who continually update it and add further functionality. As such, it can control the latest peripheral devices on the market such as flash memory and optical disks. Its power and flexibility and the fact that it is free has assured it an enthusiastic user base in academia, amongst home hobbyists, and increasingly in the business world.


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